The Secret Life of Backdraft Dampers

Backdraft DampersA backdraft damper is an integral piece to any heating and ventilation system. This simple yet effective unit is slotted into a certain place in the HVAC system. When activated, it helps to keep unwanted cool air out of the building. They allow air to flow through exhaust ducts and outdoors while preventing unwanted air from entering the building while the exhaust fans aren’t running.

Air Quality Control They also help to circulate stale air out of a building, and thus maintain indoor air quality. Just think about the indoor air that you share each day with your family, coworkers, and friends. Dampers help to keep the air clean. They force out the polluted air, then close to prevent it from reentering the building. This also keeps unwanted particulants from building up in the air, including mold spores, pollen, dust, dust mites, nad pet dander.

Temperature Control Dampers also expel warm air when needed. Places like the basement, laundry room, and attic can accumulate heat over time. The dampers help expel the excess warm air in the same way it would cold air, as well as excess humidity. They’re also found in places where temperature and humidity must be regulated, such as kitchen range hoods, clothes dryer vents, bathroom exhaust systems, and microwaves.
Dampers are necessary in commercial and industrial settings where heat can build up quickly on a regular basis. Dampers can also eliminate offensive odors, such as a strong chemical or gas smells.

What To Look For A high-quality damper will be easy to install. They provide a good seal against backdraft air, and operate without noise or vibration. Regardless of the time of year, dampers help to provide a satisfactory temperature, humidity level, and air quality for the inhabitants of a building.

Without dampers, an HVAC system simply couldn’t work to its full potential. It’s easy to overlook their importance when the heating, cool, and ventilation system is working smoothly. However, when it comes time to service or replace a damper, make sure it comes from a high quality source.

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