A Makeover For Your Tool Box

The toolbox on the back of your truck doesn’t just have to be used for the tools that you carry for your job. The box doesn’t have to look like one that you would keep in your garage with a silver appearance and small compartments. If you get a little creative, there are a few transformation ideas to consider for your compact truck tool box that will make it stand out from others that you might see on the road.

An option that you have is to paint the exterior of the box. You can use colors that match the color of your truck or colors that match the company you work for as a way to advertise for the business. A camouflage box is another idea to consider if you take your truck in the woods to go hunting or if you want it to blend in with darker colors.

If you go fishing a lot, then you might want to attach a few holders on the box for your rods and supplies. Think about the activities that you do and the type of work that you do, such as sports, fishing, hunting, or construction. The details that are included inside the box should coordinate with these activities to make it easier to keep the supplies that you need with you when they are needed.

Instead of keeping a tool box on the back of your truck, you can keep the same container in your garage. Since it’s not as big as a standing box, you’ll probably be able to only keep smaller tools inside it or smaller items that tend to get lost in the garage. You could also paint the tool box so that it can be used as a storage option inside your home, such as a coffee table in the living room.

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